Conversation Imminent
Looking Forward to Learning
My Lord Torrun, Demigod of Valor–
I received your note and I am excited to see you! I am terribly honored that you consider me a friend! I worship you, and yet you call me friend!
CrIsis’ personal alchemist, Master Gabriel, is pleased that you will be here before the first days of Grekar. He asks that a short warning is given, so that he can close the shop so that you are not harassed.
I look forward to our conversation! I hope that you will be able to stay a few days! I must hear about how my Lord was almost slain!
I personally look forward to hearing from you! Do you hear my prayers?
Worshipfully yours,
Zavik the Troll
Sent on the 1st of Gryphon in the 26th year of Emperor Itomas
Picture from Hoover Library
I hear them and they are glorious! Love this guy!
I love that picture for him – it compliments his logs so well.
He has become one of my favorite NPC’s…
Total Crazy FanBoy…Just sayin’