Fear the Reaper More
Have faith that my allegiances have not change. I will be there at the time ordained. Stay your course and have faith. Be wary evil blight fills the land and must be cleansed. These are desperate times. I will bring the first one back. She will aid us in our larger quest. I do not know if she will be with us at the time we slay the witch. Together we will usher in a new time of peace. All creatures that spy for the dark will be exterminated and they shall be instrumental in bringing down their own. Take cover, they watch.
Logan picture from Fan Pop .
Brief and to the point, looks like this may be salvageable.
Dark, even for No Name- who is watching?
Why would you ask? Are you trying to find out how much he knows? Are you one of them?
Maybe he is the Watcher?
If you ask about a thing, it knows you exist. Be wary, for now it watches you.