Growing Pains

What have I done? No longer am I the retiring shaman, content to sit in the background while people I considered to be my betters attempt to lead us to their ideal of where CrIsis would best be taken. No more am I content to simply go with the flow. I have seen too often where this idea that any one of us knows better than another, but here I am, failing to listen to my own advice at the same time that I am refusing to simply let Xerx’ses take the lead again.
He is still the same. Hurt, yes. Frantic, of course, but for all that, he is still the brash youth he has always been. We are lacking in wisdom, me most of all. I would have refused Merkl his chance in the sun, and even as he lied to our enemies, something I am beginning to consider a liability, he saved us all from a conflict we may not have easily been able to circumvent.
I am as lost as I think CrIsis to be, and we are lost. In this maze, in our own thoughts, in our quest…
We must find a center, we must find a proper compass or we will not finish our quest, even as we near the end, and I will find that compass, because I will win through to the end of this quest. I have so much hope for the future at this point that not Set, not Anubis and not even this Jar’eth will stop me.
We will prevail.
We will overcome.
We will end this conflict.
For those we lost, and for those who would have to take our place, we will end this conflict, right here, right now, and forever.
Picture from Henry V
Some very powerful statements and emotions here
It’s easy to make declarations like this. It’s harder to follow through on them. It’s hardest to get others to buy into them. Good luck – Grignak isn’t wrong but he has quite the battle ahead of him.
This is very true Xerx’ses made similar declarations in his past as well. Frantic parents with missing children he and Ursus may be.
What will be, will be.
I love the comparison to a speech by a Famous King. A real portent of the possibilities for Grignak.
All Hail CrIsis.