Journey Home

My Dearest Wife,

I write to you with the great news that the evil plaguing the West has been defeated and will be no more once the ashes are delivered to Lictalon. You may now return home. You must miss the food of our homeland. I know I do. I cherish each Western meal I come across on this trip. They are few and far between. However, none compares to yours. I made sure to cover our belongings before I left. I hope their quality remains. Much of the farm is in disrepair due to the time spent unkempt. It will take some time for the weeds to be removed and the fields to be ready once more. We will need to hire workers if we wish to have this done quickly. Other things have changed. The nearby town has grown and there is even a store devoted entirely to sweets. Our son will love it. Just make sure he continues to do his chores. I’m afraid our son will find his friends have aged beyond him, unfortunately. Many have taken on families of their own. He will be saddened, but it may be good for him to meet up with his old pals. Please take the tree and any that will join you and head back when you are ready. If you are in need of any funds let me know and I will work towards acquiring some. I hope this quest will end soon so that I may return to you. I am working on finding a solution to a problem that has arisen before I brought you back. It may take time. We will see if it is possible. They told me bringing you back was impossible, but here you are. I continue to have faith that one day we will be whole again like before all this was thrust upon us. Hopefully this world will be a better place when we are done.

With Love,
Your Husband

Picture from Piepkorn Photography .


4 Responses to “Journey Home

  • That was very touching, well done!

  • I don’t think it’s a simple task to just travel from Timiro to the Western Empire, is it? I hope Crystal and Bron are up to it!

    For No Name’s sake, I hope he is able to return to them upon the conclusion of this quest. When the endless loneliness of eternity stretches out before him it will be the memories of his time with those he loved which keep him sane and grounded.

  • A very touching, and different side, to No Name.

  • Now that is something I didn’t expect from No Name, but he did have another life…at one point.

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