One Last Goodbye

In my dreams I can see you but I awake so alone

Dearest Rolling Hills,

This is a letter from Silent Dream. Tonight it is the 21st of Selestra. Tomorrow morning we leave for Hades. It is appropriate that the Festival of Ra is the last night we will spend in this world. I only wish I could spend this evening with you here, too.

These past few months since we last saw each other have seemed to speed by in a blur. So much has happened since we last said good-bye. We brought peace to our former members of CrIsis. We conquered ReSet in Cynopolis. We recovered the stolen Left Hand of Osiris. I visited the still-thriving farm that The Nameless Man‘s family left behind – I spent almost a full month working there with him, Xerx’ses and the others. I had some good memories of being at that place with my friends which were pleasant to revisit in person.

Finally our trip took us here to Mishala. The trip has been dangerous. It’s thanks in no small part to the Shield of Light‘s crew that we have made it as far as we have. They are all true heroes each in their own rights.

I was surprised to find none other than the legendary Jidian Kulder waiting to see us when we arrived in Mishala! He ascended the steps of the Pyramid with us. He was witness to the appearance of Wise Thoth once the Hand was placed within. Thoth personally directed Jidian to accompany us in our trip into Hades!

We have spent the time since returning learning all we can from the wise Sulyott. He has given us much in the way of advice, knowledge, and last-minute gear to help us. Even with Jidian accompanying us I pray that it has all been enough.

We will leave for Hades in the morning. We have an entrance and escape plan. I will not lie to you though – this will be dangerous. Perhaps the most dangerous task we have yet undertaken in this quest. Letters sent to us cannot reach us in that foul realm. Please instead send your prayers to us. If I do not make it back know that I love you with all my heart.

May the Gods stand between you and harm in all the empty places you walk.

With Love,

Silent Dream. of Dream Lake. and of CrIsis.

Note: This letter was written in Elven, on parchment paper, on the 21st day of Selestra, in the seventy-third year of the Great Wolfen Empire and the second year of the return of the Elven Kingdom.

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