Peace Has Come

Thanks to CrIsis!

Dear CrIsis, Palladium’s Greatest Heroes –

Just wanted to let you know that you all are in my thoughts! I have been here in Wisdom participating in the peace talks between the Eastern Territory and Wolfen Empire, and I needed to give you thanks!

Your actions at the Antes Temple, especially by Burlap and Raulf, were the icebreaker that was needed to turn the tide.

I myself witnessed Bodolf’s tirade- in fact it was I that reported it to his Holiness. Raulf, consider this a formal invitation- when you are done with your most noble task, and CrIsis goes their separate ways, you have a place here with the Knights of Dawn! Anyone that would turn from his family to serve the greater good, to serve Osiris, is most welcome in our noble group of knights and palladins! I would be proud to welcome you to our family!

I must return to Penningshir now, for there is much to do now. I can recall some of the knights and palladins from the borders, and address some rumors of the dead walking and killing in the Disputed Territory.

I hope that your travels at some point bring you to Peningshir and the Citadel of the Sun.

Hoping to find ways to serve you!

Written on the 1st of Algor by the servant of Osiris, Sir Quixis Ote, in the 344th year of the noble dominion of the Eastern Territory.

Picture of Quixis and Eastern Territory flag made by our own AZ_Rune.

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