Report Response

Stick to What You Know


I received your report. Here is my response- please keep out of the “spy business”, with all due respect.

  • Rumors abound that your King is trying to ally himself with the Trolls.
  • We have heard the outlandish rumors of an alliance with Southern Trolls, along with many other stupid statements.

  • There is MUCH discontent with all of Avramstown
  • As always, we have politicians, and the great King himself, to work with others in the Empire.

  • Many feel Hoomans are influencing things in Avramstown over Wolfen interest
  • This has been a constant since Havea first joined the Empire.

  • Reports and rumors that the Algor Psychic Tribe have headed south in search of the Lost Boyz.
  • From my scouts, they have been successful. I expect representatives to show up at the Senate in the spring

  • Scar & Arn, Ax throwing Champs, have been defeated by Lightweight
  • Can you all, just once, not stick your nose in a region without upsetting the balance?

On a personal matter, Ansa and the Children are doing great, and I have been able to spend a great deal of time with them all. I will make sure they are safe- keep yourself safe, and good luck!

General Tinor, leader of the troops of Havea.

Sent on the 10th of Od in the 72nd year of the Great Wolfen Empire


7 Responses to “Report Response

  • “Can you all, just once, not stick your nose in a region without upsetting the balance?”


  • No, we can’t tis a curse!

  • Psychic Ice Giants is what i took away from that message. Silent ur up

  • My favorite is how he put spy business in big quotes to ensure Ursus knows he really wasn’t doing “spook” work.

  • “Can you all, just once, not stick your nose in a region without upsetting the balance?.”

    Yup, that was the stand out line for me too, and I think Tokobauzsos retorts in the most expected way.

    CrIsis? What crisis?

    • There is always Crisis when CrIsis is involved

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