The Search

Finding the Quarry


As we discussed, I am searching for the Quarry, and will send you periodic updates as I continue, through your Contact. I apologize, Sir, that will forward this, but it is best if we do not have any public association. I am sure you understand.

After searching extensively through the Underworld of Credia I have a lead. It seems that there have been sightings in the area of the Eastern Territory called the Disputed Lands. I go to the city of Llorn, and from there to Kaash, for if anyone has news on that vile Trash it will be other vile Trash.

Be safe, for I still feel it will take both of us to take him. I will let you know more once I reach Kaash.

Remember, neither of our spirits will be granted rest until He is gone.

Sent from No Name’s mentor, Logan on the 14th of Grekar.

Picture from our own AZ Rune.


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