The Worship of Khonsu Increases

Ursus Has Done Some Good? Inconceivable!

31st of Uk Sak, 2nd year of the Rebirth.


To the Revenant of Khonsu, Mouthpiece of Khonsu, member of CrIsis


Dear Honored Bear Man,


We are most honored to hear from you, and now, with the disappearance of the statue of The Keeper of Oaths and his replacement with a Dwarf, we are concerned for the safety of CrIsis. I hope that you and Khonsu’s Reaper are safe and well.

I am writing you in response to your Letter. I would be honored to preside over the union of you and Ansa! I recommend, if I may, that due to the many eyes on the ceremony, that it may be more of a traditional union like those of the rest of the Church of Light.

I am pleased to report that ground has been broken on three temples dedicated to Khonssu! The one here in Nisi has broken ground, and the good Cardinal has let me know that the one on the border of Wolves and Man has also broken ground. Soon he travels to Llorn to check on that one as well.

We are up to 15 regulars in our small gathering, and I feel that they are beginning to understand the blessings of Khonsu.

Please know that I will be in Y-Oda for your joining with a great smile on my face and pride in my heart- I will see you then!


Blessings of Khonsu upon you and the rest of CrIsis!
Reverend Titus


4 Responses to “The Worship of Khonsu Increases

  • Y-Oda? Suddenly it feels like that’s all the way on the other side of the world! Without teleporting as an available option the world has become so large… round or not!

  • As for traditional ceremony…this completely depends on Ansa and her wishes. Ursus just wants some Khonsu worship involved.

    As for getting there, Ursus WILL find a way, for the birth of his Childs & whatever date is set for the Wedding.

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