War is Coming

Dear Father Philip

War is coming, and I can’t see a way to avoid it. It will be wasteful, destructive and only serve the darker powers as humanities darker emotions are let out to play, and dark forces are released on mankind once again. This will hopefully bring our Brothers and Sisters of the faith together and prepare ourselves for our best and brightest to be ripped violently from us, as the dark asks for and gives no quarter, and for a lot of the forces of Darkness my remaining inclinations of mercy are seriously strained.
This has led to us losing another of our companions, not permanently I hope but because of the darkwar our stalwart companion Caminata has been forced to leave us to go help the people of her birth land, as in the Western Empire is under the spectre of civil war and her father may be leading the charge, which I know upsets her, and she seems to be taking the threat seriously and personally. I wish her luck, and hopefully she knows that if or more likely when things get really bad she can call on us to try help. Her leaving was a sad thing, even Nosse sensed it, in the playfulness he had when he was choking Burlaps rubber chicken he was saying goodbye in his own wolfy way.

Eventually we tacked into dock late in the day. I looked carefully down the beach and into town and there was neither a beggar nor Nara’s parents (nor catapults), whom I didn’t feel like meeting again without her present, so we headed into town to find Sulyott. We made it to his tower and he left a message with his guard, and not a normal message, no suddenly the guard started talking like Sulyott, telling us to head to Terrellia, which by strange coincidence we were heading, but after checking our maps decided we didn’t have enough time to do this, so after stocking the ship we headed off again.
Once again Reset and friends approached us to learn the error of their ways, and thankfully Asher had forseen this and had magical protections from evil at hand to help send them on their way. The fight, while at first seemed truly against us, them fighting us on our home ground seemed to be the deciding factor. Asher must have done something to upset them as they seemed to Target them, and they actually seemed afraid of Raulf, and mostly ignored me as a non-threat, even as the 3 sisters banished several of them back to the depths of hell from whenst they came. I couldn’t see it from where I had been originally standing but I had empowered myself with a blessing from My Lady of Storms and I had rapidly moved to the centre but all the monsters gathering there blocked my view, and I saw no less than 4 Baal-rogs try to slay Xers’ses with magic. Xerx’ses, being made of sterner stuff then the Balrogs threw off their glamours and curses and stood defiantly and proud against them, and while they were focusing on him, Asher had activated the circle of protection, and this is what had made the forces of evil break ranks and scatter, Raulf had done his own version to mess with them as well, and Burlap added to the confusion with powerfully enchanted arrows, so I thought I should add to the mix, I threw the 3 sisters into the air whilst chanting a prayer and banished a few of them, and what was left after the others had finished was just a mop up, but it wasn’t the end of the fight, while I had focused on the forces that had teleported onto Rogtilda, a Black ship was approaching. Asher was ready and cast a very powerful spell that seemed to bring to life illusions of our worst fears, thankfully my magic ring protected me, but it made a powerful impression on those around, poor old Jinx started screaming about sea serpents, and others seemed to have their own problems, but Asher quickly dispelled the illusions effecting the good people of the boat, and Xerx’ses moved to comfort those we couldn’t see. I went back to my customary position at the front of the boat, and steeled myself for the clash with the Black ship. Who ever this was trying to stop will know, by fire, steel or eldritch energies that we shall not be turned from our path.

P.S. This is the Prayer I chanted when the Three Sisters banished the Balrogs attacking us. It seemed quite effective.
Star of the Sea and Sovereign of the Elements, I come before you in praise, worship, and adoration. Thank you for giving me a place in your family. Thank you for sending the holy spirits and angels to guide us and empower us in our daily life. World Mother, open my eyes that I may see your greatness, Your majesty. Your Victory on my behalf.
I place myself now under the Ankh of Osiris and cover my self with the blessings Horus. I surrender myself to the light of Ra and say in the name of Apis that nothing shall interfere with your work being accomplished in my life.
I wear my faith as armor to resist the devil’s tactics. I stand my ground with truth buckled around my waist and integrity for my breastplate. I carry the shield of light to put out the dark arrows of the evil one. I ask my prayers to be my helmet and use your words as a sword.
Queen of the Thunderbolt please show me any way that Set has a hold of my life. I let go of all those ways now. Any parts of my soul I have handed over to dark I now reclaim and place under the lead of The Lady of the Sun
In the name of Thoth, I bind all spirits of the air, fire, water, ground, underground, and netherworld. I bind all forces of evil and place the claim of Bennu on the atmosphere, the water, the ground, and their fruits around us, the underground and nether world. In the name of the gods of light, I seal this realm and all members of my family, relatives, friends with the power of the Gods of light. In the thousand names of Isis I forbid every evil spirit from staying in this world.

Excerpt from the Journal of Indaris Excellar. Priest of Isis and Member of CrIsis
Dark Creatures coming picture from Dragon Age The Game
Burning Forest from Guild Wars 2 The Game
Sunset Boat Mary Lu TIndall
Illusionary Terrors from the master of scary pictures H.R.Giger may he rest in peace

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