What Is Dead May Never Die

To She of Countless Names,

Faith, the Oathkeeper had been speaking about it in greater detail in his final days. I feel bad for not having paid more attention to what may have been the kernels of wisdom about the power of faith. In ways magic can only roughly describe the connection divine persons feel from those that gave of their faith to the divine. There is a bond, a connection, and each feels it in differing ways. I imagine the Cult of the Great One must have gone through something of a crisis when Osiris was thought killed. Yet he is not dead and largely due to faith his soul was bound to the pieces of his body. Can the same be said of our departed Xerx’ses?

It is my hope that the 1,500 souls saved know in their heart of hearts whom saved their lives. Alongside his burgeoning faithful following if they hold true to the notion that the Demigod can never truly die can he be “Rebuilt” as well? Lady of light, I hurt and I am only beginning to work through the miracle you granted me by letting this humble priest to stand among legends such as Xerx’ses and Jidian the Warden.

May I continue to serve the Pantheon of Light well and hope they can salvage the Oathkeeper’s soul.

Blessings upon all within the light,

Indaris, the Seeker of Light

Prayer seen on the 27th of Corg.

Art by AZ-Rune Art, commission him at: artist@agodrebuilt.org


8 Responses to “What Is Dead May Never Die

  • You forgot to mention a legend – Torrun! After all he is a legend in his own mind. Also, he’s a Demigod too. But mostly that first thing. 😀

  • Dear Isis, you are nothing compared to the greatness of Xerx’ses…. signed, Indaris.

    • I would love to know the thought process you take when you read the logs. Fascinating, and nearly the same outlook across the board.

    • It’s telling that he signed his name as the Seeker of Light, and not the Seeker of Isis.

      • Well, Indaris was told not to focus on Isis so much, so this is Indaris being more unfocused lol. Indaris was very close to retiring after the Terosh Incident, but has decided to maybe soldier on.

  • More great words about the One & Only Xerx’ses.

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