
Posts by Killervp

Sick Sense of Humor

Sick Sense of Humor

Blasphemous Rumours Prince Torrun ‘syn Ithanson, First there was my first husband, Ovkral Glandar, who, while a member of CrIsis, bought me out of slavery and made me his wife. Little did I know then that I would have been better off staying a slave. I met Isis in disguise, and changed my name to
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Hades Comes Forth

Hades Comes Forth

The End of Palladium Approaches? Dear Apis’ Luminary– But now and then truth-speaking things Shamed the angels’ veiling wings; And shrilling from the solar course I am glad you set me on this path of research, for I have discovered some troubling information- Hades is rising, as is Dyval. The information I have found place
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Western Arrival

Western Arrival

Ready to Serve Dear CrIsis– I know not which member of CrIsis I am supposed to send this to, so I am asking his Holiness to forward this to the most senior member, which I hope is still Khonsu’s Reaper. The news of The God of Oaths triumphant rising helped all of deal with the
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Thoth’s Urgent Message

Thoth’s Urgent Message

Caught Him On a Good Day The God Thoth speaks to the Troll Priest Grignak as CrIsis is being led to the inn. Due to the fact that Silent Dream has group telepathy on, all but Ursus, who has blocked his mind, hear the God’s message. ”Know this CrIsis, your runic weapons will lose their
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Jase’s Reminder

Jase’s Reminder

For Reasons Apparent Dear CrIsis– I apologize for speaking in a strange voice. I was in Llorn for the Festival of the Ancestors. I figured since you had been meeting with the good Duke that you understood the circumstances. He was imitating his Great Grandfather, and I was attempting to take on the voice of
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Seba Answers

Seba Answers

The Poem Revealed CrIsis- I have been released from my captivity, and wish to share with you the poem that we worked so hard to put together. This is the answer from all of the Seba symbols, found at the Seed Libraries. I hope that it will help, and is not too late. It makes
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Come to the Tri-Arcanum

Come to the Tri-Arcanum

Flier from our own AZ Rune

Greetings From The God of Lies

Greetings From The God of Lies

For Every Action Has It’s Opposite CrIsis, I write this to remind you that we are watching. We know that you have lost your only chance to defeat ReSet in my Opposite Number. We know that your Weak Priest has abandoned you, and that you now meet with the egotistical Elf God, who only cares
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The Day Of Reckoning Approaches

The Day Of Reckoning Approaches

Quickly, Before all is lost True Name Withheld by the Gods– The Day of Reckoning is just three weeks hence, and I hope to have some time to plan with you and advance. The day of the God of Knowledge comes quickly, and yet you and your friends are not here! Make sure when you
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New Days Ahead

New Days Ahead

Peace For the First Time Honorable Bear-Man: So much has happened since your last visit to our lands! The honorable King Schmee of Mini has begun talks with all of the Kiridin! We have signed a treaty that allows us our lands. He has also allowed freedoms to the local Rebel Humans, and they have
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