The first six books of CrIsis were written by Rod Rambler, as are all books after 10. Books 7-9 are written by Lady Torchwood.
The title of the first collection is “Introducing CrIsis”. The first release included The Wanderer, The Goddess & A New World, Emerald Ghosts and Wimpy Wolven, Secrets of the Library, and Lost in Tranzlation. It was first released on Thoth 1, 109.
The second collection is much longer. It includes all of the logs from Greldarr’s First Day With Humans to Pirates? What The…?, a span of 17 logs. It’s title is “CrIsis- Heroes?”. It was first released on Corg 21, 109.
The third book runs from the log What Rell Did to Knives, Glorious Knives, a total of 47 logs. At the end of the book there is a false entry, written in Chip’s style, that states erroneously that CrIsis is going south to Dragon’s Roost. It is titled, “The Quest in Earnest”. It was released on Grekar 2, 110.
The fourth book is called “CrIsis Triumphant?” and is from the log Choose Wisely to Missing Home, a total of 39 logs. The end of book has Chip stating that the group is in Sekti-Abtu for the Festival of the Pantheon of Ra- which would have been Ra 1,110, when CrIsis was actually in Sinza. This is Chip’s last ever entry. It was first released on Kym-nark-mar 14, 111.
Book 5 is named, appropriately, “CrIsis Changing”. It spans 49 logs, from The Mourning After (6/23/12) to Who Is Patch? (10/13/12). It starts with the deaths of Robert & Chip, includes all of Lemaria, and the acquisition and deposit of Osiris’ Rib Cage. It covers Bafag’s death, and the crowning of Minischmee. The book ends with CrIsis in the Northern Seas. Terramore & Quixis have joined to assist them. CrIsis is made up of Overkill, Cava, Gavin, Tyvernos, Drauka, Karma, and Ferrel. Book 5 is published worldwide Algor 1, 112.
Book 6- Crisis in CrIsis is 50 logs, from Chip’s Ahoy(10/27/12) to Let’s Talk. (3/16/13) CrIsis is in Llorn, and is made up of Overkill, Cava, Gavin, Tyvernos, and Roggan. Published worldwide Algor 1, 112.
Beginning with Book 7, Ondemeira the White takes over the writing duties, under the pseudonym Lady Torchwood.
Book 7- (End of Innocence) 49 logs, from Strange Occurances(3/30/13) to Morning of the 25th of Ra(6/22). Introduces Agent, Azariel, Xerx’ses, Bungo. Gavin has become King, and left. Tyvernos leaves to escort Morgan & Oric to Gavin. 1st book from Ondemeira (Lady Torchwood). Published worldwide Ra 1, 112
Book 8- (Darkness Falls) 59 logs, from Ovkral-Surrender!(7/6/13) to Duty is Heavy as a Feather (9/28) (Kym-nark-mar 29, 111) Femur recovered. CrIsis consists of Azariel (Leaving to Western Empire to study Diabolism), Cava, Indaris, Overkill, Tyvernos, and Xerx’ses. Published Pegasus 1, 112
Book 9- (The Trials) 54 logs, from The Lung and the Games(9/28/13) to To My Bestest Friends in CrIsis (9/28) (Od 28, 111) Left Foot recovered. CrIsis is now Asher, Azariel, Indaris, Overkill, & Xerx’ses Published Od 1, 112.
Book 10- (Redemption) 59 logs, from Lopanic Games Info(1/18/14) to Zero Hand in Hand (4/12/14) (Selestra 20, 112). Agreement made, Hand to Sekti-Abtu. CrIsis is Asher, Azariel, Indaris, Overkill, Tyvernos, and Xerx’ses. Published with great fanfare on Algor 1, 113, as it marks the return of Rod Rambler as the writer of CrIsis tales!
Book 11- (The Lopanic Games Begin) 51 logs, from A Brief Response(4/26/14) to Excitement at the Games (7/19/14) (Thoth 6, 112). CrIsis is Asher, Azariel, Caminata, Indaris, Overkill, and Xerx’ses, with Tyvernos occasionally making appearances. Begins release on Algor 14, 113, and is authored by Rod Rambler.
Book 12- (The Golden Minotaur, and the Death of Overkill) 51 logs, Starts with The Lopanic Games:The Isis Gambit(8/2/14) to The Beauty of St. Jarvis(11/8/14). At end of book CrIsis is Asher, Azariel, Burlap, Caminata, Indaris and Xerx’ses. Begins release on Gryphon 1, 113, and is authored by Rod Rambler.
Book 13-(Conflict) 57 logs, Starts with Your Blood is on Your Own Hands(11/22/14) to Vequerrel Burns(2/28/15). At end of book CrIsis is Asher, Burlap, Caminata, Indaris, Raulf, and Xerx’ses. Begins release on CrIsis 4th anniversary, Grekar 2, 113, and is authored by Rod Rambler.
Book 14-(War Envelops All) 52 logs, Starts with Scrying For a Kingdom’s Fate(3/28/15) to MMMM Bubbles(6/6/15). At end of book CrIsis is Hannah, Indaris, Ja’Deir, No Name, Ursus, and Xerx’ses. Begins release on Corg 1,113, and is authored by Rod Rambler.
Book 15-(CrIsis Refocused) 55 logs, Starts with The Great March(6/20/15) to Whispers in the Dark(9/12/15). At end of book CrIsis is Hannah, Indaris, Ja’Deir, No Name, Ursus, and Xerx’ses. Begins release on Thoth 21,113, and is authored by Rod Rambler.
Book 16-(Giants and Loss) 59 Logs, Starts with Audience With Ra(9/26/15) to Azariel’s Notations(12/5/15). CrIsis had failed at Yggdrasil, but had succeeded in Nimro, although they had lost Hannah, and had thought they had lost Mack. At end of book CrIsis is Grignak, Indaris, No Name, Rooster, Ursus, and Xerx’ses. Begins release on Algor 1,114, and is authored by Rod Rambler.
Book 17-(Facing the Gods- Part One) 57 Logs, Starts with Dungeon Business (9/26/15) to Prayer of the Unworthy (2/27/16). This book ends with the defeat of Kirgi, and also includes Rooster and Mack’s deaths, and Silent Dream joining CrIsis. At end of book CrIsis is Grignak, Indaris, No Name, Silent Dream, Ursus, and Xerx’ses. Begins release on Majestic 15,114, the Festival of Bast, and is authored by Rod Rambler.
Book 18-(Facing the Gods- Part Two) 52 Logs, Starts with An Explanation (3/12/16) to Ursus Has Changed (5/7/16). At end of book CrIsis is Grignak, Indaris, No Name, Silent Dream, Ursus, and Xerx’ses. Begins release on Corg 1,114, the Festival of Osiris, and is authored by Rod Rambler.
Book 19- (The Dickripper Rises) 56 Logs, Starts with Report From the Middle (3/21/16) to The Western Empire Wants You! (7/30/16). At end of book CrIsis is Grignak, Indaris, No Name, Silent Dream, Ursus, and Xerx’ses. Begins release on Selestra 1, 114, the Festival of Brotherhood, and is authored by Rod Rambler.
Book 20- (Millennium Trees and Necromancy) 60 logs, Starts with Words of Brotherly Wisdom (8/13/16) to Dreams and Musings (10/8/16). At end of book CrIsis is Grignak, Indaris, No Name, Silent Dream, Ursus, and Xerx’ses. Begins release on Selestra 21, 114, the Festival of Ra, and is authored by Rod Rambler.
Book 21- (Xerx’ses Ascends) 55 logs, Starts with Shield of Light Progress Report (10/22/16) to A Meeting With Death (12/17/16). At end of book CrIsis is Grignak, Merkl, No Name, Silent Dream, Torrun, and Ursus. Begins release on Thoth 21, 114, the Festival of Thoth, and is authored by Rod Rambler.
Book 22- (Demigods Among Us) 55 logs, Starts with Two Roads Diverged in a Crystal Wood (1/14/17) to Artorias Returns (3/11/17). At end of book CrIsis is Grignak, Merkl, No Name, Silent Dream, Torrun, and Ursus. Begins release on Pegasus 15, 114, the Festival of Bennu, and is authored by Rod Rambler.
Book 23- (CrIsis and the Goblin Kings) logs, Starts with For Your Eyes Only (4/8/17) to I Am the Great Pretender (6/17/17). At end of book CrIsis is Grignak, Merkl, Silent Dream, Torrun, Ursus and Willy. Begins release on Horus Day, 12/25/114, and is authored by Rod Rambler.
Book 24- (Peace at Last) 52 logs, Starts with An Overdue Thank You (7/1/17) to War Is Ended (9/9/17). At end of book CrIsis is Grignak, Merkl, Silent Dream, Torrun, Ursus and Willy. Begins release on 6/21/115, the Festival of Ra, and is authored by Rod Rambler.
Proceeds from the books are split in the following way:
10% Church of Light
10% Boat Repair Fund
40% Crew Pay
40% CrIsis current members
Art by AZ-Rune Art, commission him at