On this page is the summary of the deaths of characters. Bexx was not successfully resurrected- mostly due to the fact that the sea serpent who ate him swam away, so the body was never recovered. Robert the Just was also not resurrected due to his mauling at the hands of Ice Dragons and errant shots from another member of CrIsis. Drauka committed suicide, but his body was not searched for. Ferrel was killed by the goddess Bennu. Vandur was killed by Navelo by order of Bennu. Roggan chose to sacrifice himself and become one with the ship Matilda to save others. Overkill, the longest serving CrIsis member at over 3 1/2 years, died in a river of lava, a victim of the group ReSet. Asher was eaten by the dragon The Terror. Raulf was killed by the group’s rivals, ReSet. Hannah died in the Giant’s Stronghold. Artorias, No Name’s apprentice, died at the hands of Bes. All others have been safely resurrected. Please click on the log associated to read more about each death. To make sense of the months, please refer to the Palladium Calendar.
For more highlights of CrIsis, including these deaths, please refer to the Current Timeline and the timelines CrIsis First Year, CrIsis Second Year, CrIsis Third Year, CrIsis Fourth Year and CrIsis Fifth Year.
The death rules, taken from the Rules Page, are as follows:
Any death where the player is not resurrected will result in a new character being created for that player at 2 levels below level at death. Each death lowers the chance of future resurrections by 10%, example 2 deaths= –20%. For more see the Rules page.
Overkill led all in death count- he had died and been resurrected an astounding 6 times!! However, he died permanently on death #7.
For the page detailing the death’s of CrIsis rivals, ReSet please see the ReSet Death Page.