


Short, squat and muscular. Balding with black, close-cropped hair, wears a short goatee, but often goes without shaving long enough to sport a beard occasionally. Generally jocular and easy-going, if he becomes serious you can be sure that some kind of trouble is afoot.

Picture from Matt Stawicki.

Name Derik “Dirk” Rockwell
Rank 15th Level
Race Human
Citizen: Eastern

HT 5’6″ IQ 23 Magic 0 Strike +2
WT 195 ME 9 Psionics 0 Parry +7
PPNRG 7 MA 11 Poison 0 Dodge +7
HP 56 PS 20 C/D 0 Roll +5
SDC 56 PP 11 Horror +3 Pull +4
Lev 15 PE 14 Disease 0 Initiative +1
Exp. 68,400 PB 19 Damage +8
Sex Male SPD 26 Disarm +1
Birthday 39 Years Old Critical (3x) 18-20
HTH: Expert  Death/Blow 20  Knockout 18-20
Align Scrup
45% Attacks 8
Western<> Bizantium <> Eastern 13,000<> Old Kingdom
Timiro <> Wolfen <>
Weapon Proficiencies Level Acquired Strike Parry Rate of Fire Thrown Range
Long Bow 1 +8 +8 11 1025’
Sword 1 +5 +5 +3
Paired Swords 7
Weapon Damage Range Notes
Rune Short Sword Iceflame 5D6 See Item
Short Sword 2D4+1
Long Bow 2D6 875’ 24 arrows
Armor AR SDC Notes
Magic Plate 17 160 Noiseless, Armor is Invisible, Half Weight (80 lbs)
Kick Attacks: Damage Notes
Karate 2D4
Wheel Kick 2D6 (no other kicks that melee)
Tripping leg hook 0 (knockdown)
Magic Jewelry
Size of the Behemoth Ring 10 minutes 3x/day Level 5 20’tall, 1200 lbs, PS 30 (dam+15), Spd 6
Multiple Image Ring 20 Minutes 2x/daily 3 images, only iron or magic weapon pierces
OCC Skills Base % Bonus Start Current Total %
Language:Eastern 98 1 15 98%
Language:Western 40+5 24 1 15 98%
Language:Elven 40+5 24 1 15 98%
Wilderness Survival 30+5 29 1 15 98%
Teamster 35+5 29 1 15 98%
Land Navigation 30+4 29 1 15 98%
ID Plants/Fruits 25+5 19 1 15 98%
Skin & Prepare Hides 30+5 24 1 15 98%
Track/Trap Animals 20/30+5 29 1 15 98/98%
Track Humanoids 25+5 24 1 15 98%
WP: Long Bow 1 15
WP: Sword 1 15
Hand to Hand: Expert
OCC Related Skills Base % OCC B+ Start Current Total %
Horse:General 35/20+5 14 1 15 98%
Fishing 30+5 19 1 15 98%
Intelligence 30+4 19 1 15 98%
Literacy:Elven 30+5 19 1 15 98%
Repair/Maintenance 35+5 19 1 15 98%
Rope Works 30+5 19 1 15 98%
Hunting 60/40+5 19 1 15 98/98%
History wolfen, human, dwarves, 35+5 19 1 15 98%
elves, dragon, changelings
Bartering 25+5 19 3 15 98%
Running 6 15
Athletics 9 15
Secondary Skills Base % Start Current Total %
Literacy:Elven 30+5 1 15 98%
Biology 30+5 1 15 98%
Prowl 25+5 1 15 98%
Boxing 3 15
Wrestling 5 15
Body Building 7 15


Name Count Location Description
large sack (1) 1
large sack (2) 1
small sack (1) 1
small sack (2) 1
waterskin 1
fishing line & hooks 2
snares 4
medium jaw traps 2
set of skinning/tanning knives 1
light chain 1 6’
rope 1
wooden spikes 5
small mallet 1
lantern 1
mirror 1
hatchet 1
frying pan 1
tinder box 1
Summer Clothes 1
Winter Clothes 1
Luck Points
Luck Points 1



Coming from Haven, The – Salt Lake City- Vatican City – of the Eastern Territories, Dirk had a perfect, Norman Rockwell childhood.


He is the fourth son of famed artist/illustrator Norman Rockwell and his wife Mary, the noted scholar.

As a child, his time was divided between his father’s art studio, his mother’s study, or playing and attending class alongside the children of certain Eastern nobles, some of whom he maintains friendships with to this day.

In an effort to help keep Dirk and his friends out of trouble, Norman organized a local chapter of the Ranger Scouts, regularly taking the kids into the forest to practice their skills and to regale them with tales of heroes, adventures, and daring-do to capture their imaginations and, hopefully, help shape their morality. Despite his father’s efforts, Dirk did not decide to affiliate himself with any of the gods, but he did develop a sympathy for the Church of Light.

As he grew older, he began traveling with his parents; attending various art shows with his father, or visiting the Library of Bletherad to assist Mary with her research or attend the symposiums where she would present her findings. He has known Malkin Falimede from a young age, and calls him “Uncle Malkie,” much to Malkin’s chagrin.

Dirk’s keen sense of adventure and sense of right and wrong led him to join Legion of Northmoor to follow in footsteps of the heroes of his childhood. Over the years, he has participated in many campaigns with the Legion, including the search for the Glave of the Old Ones. Dirk was not among the group that initially encountered CrIsis during the Legion’s attempts to recover the Glave, but he did rejoin the group before the companies parted ways. This gave him the chance to meet CrIsis, including Cava, who he thinks can be an ass but is otherwise quite likable.

His current mission is undisclosed, but it is believed the Church of Light has asked him meet up with CrIsis for purposes of their own.

Picture from Matt Stawicki.