
HURO (Deceased)


Wolfen Knight of Osiris



A very tall, large Wolfen, Huro is very muscular, and stands as if in the military naturally. His brown fur is a little darker than most of the Gold Ear Tribe, but identifies him clearly as part of the Komba, or Turtle, Totem. Of course, to reflect his tribe, he has large golden earrings.

He is often seen upon his Obaru, Mbawala, and is never far from his weapons.

His family, and his closest friend, call him Mikondo, but he has taken the name Huro to protect his family. The “Dustdealer” name comes from his mother, who said he was always playing in the dust of the mines.



Huro comes from a famous old Totem, or small tribe, in the Wolfen Empire– a founding group of not only the Empire, but of the Gold Ear Tribe itself.

Huro’s family are historians of the race, and of Palladium. Known to very few, the legendary Chronicler was a member of the Komba Totem. This sense of history has motivated Huro, with knowledge passed through the ages, to achieve Balance in the World, before the Wolfen and Eastern Humans repeat the slaughter of their peoples, like the Elves and Dwarves before during the Great War.

Huro’s father is Chief of Lore, one of the four chiefs in the Tribal Council, and pretends to worship Set, but actually worships Thoth. Anubis and Set are the most popular gods of the Gold Ear Tribe.

The knowledge of the Great War, and the loss of balance, brought Huro to Osiris, and in turn, to CrIsis. Huro hopes that the completion of the rebuilding of Osiris will occur in time to stop the Wolfen-Eastern war now raging, and is fearful that it is too late.

Picture from our own AZ Rune.

Name: Huro Dustdealer
True Name: Mikondo Komba Patara
Rank 10th Level
OCC: Knight
Race: Wolfen
Land of Origin: Northern Wilderness
Citizenship: Wolfen Empire

HT 9’6″ IQ 9 Save vs Magic +2 Strike +2
WT 464 ME 10 Save vs Psionics 0 Parry +3
PPE 11 MA 10 Save vs coma +8% Dodge +3
PS 23 Save vs poison/disease +2 Roll +2
HP 43 PP 12 Save vs horror +6 Pull +6
SDC 45 PE 19 Initiative +2
Exp 50,001 PB 17 Damage +11
Sex M SPD 30/60 Disarm +1
Birthday 10/20/81 (32 years old) Critical 18-20
HTH: Expert Charm/Impress 35% Attacks 6
Alignment Principled Horror Factor 12 Perception +1

Western Empire <> Island of Bizantium <> Eastern Territory
Timiro Kingdom <> Wolfen Empire 18,000<> Dragon Coins 

Weapon Proficiencies Level Acquired Strike Parry Thrown/Rate Range
Lance 1 +4 +3 +4 dam
Shield 1 +2 +6
Spear 1 +4 +4 +2
Archery 1 +5 +5 6 500’
Paired Spear/Shield 7
Weapons: Damage Notes
Trident 3D6+4 +2 Strike, Parry, Dodge Family Heirloom
Short Bow 2D6 17 arrows
Medium Iron Shield 2D4 130 SDC
Lance 3D6
Armor AR/ SDC Notes
Plate Armor A.R.: 17
S.D.C.: 160
• Noiseless
• Weightless
3x/day 10 min/use Acquired in his early travels adventurers in the Great Northern Wilderness.
Obaru named Mbawala Use Murodin. for stats
Special Attacks: Damage
Claw 2D4+8
Kick 2D6+8
Bite 2D4
Item Name Statistics Powers Uses Additional Notes
Plate Armor A.R.: 17
S.D.C.: 160
• Noiseless
• Weightless
3x/day 10 min/use Acquired in his early travels adventurers in the Great Northern Wilderness.
Ring of Invisibility N/A • Invisibility Always active Acquired in his early travels adventurers in the Great Northern Wilderness.
Pin of retribution N/A • + 1D6 to damage (with any attack), 2x for vamp, zombies, animated dead.
• Impervious all electric attacks, even magic.
1 minute each use; 1 use per day for each power. A gift from Xerx’ses the Golden. Xerx’ses stuck in Huro’s gear during the raid on the Giant King’s castle with a note.
Sense Evil Torc N/A • Glows red when power is active and evil is within range as per spell.
• Will re-size to fit any race.
3x/daily 8 melees each use. A gift from Jidian Kulder to Xerx’ses the Golden. Xerx’ses stuck in Huro’s gear during the raid on the Giant King’s castle with a note.
Special Skills Note Bonus Start Current Total %
Track Blood Scent 20+4 500’ 1 10 56%
Recognize Scent Others 16+4 50’ 1 10 52%
Keen Hearing Like Dog

Note: Recog Scent Others- +10% mate, close friend, offspring

OCC Skills Base % Bonus Start Current Total %
Language: Wolfen 98 1 10 98%
Language: Elven 40+5 20 1 10 98%
Language: Northern 40+5 15 1 10 98%
Literacy: Wolfen 30+5 15 1 10 90%
Dance 30+5 15 1 10 90%
Heraldry 15/20+5 20 1 10 80/85%
Land Navigation 30+4 10 1 10 76%
Military Etiquette 35+5 15 1 10 95%
Math: Basic 45+5 15 1 10 98%
Horse-Knight 40/30+5 10 1 10 95/85%
WP Lance 1 10
WP Shield 1 10
WP Archery 1 10
WP Spear 1 10
OCC Related Skills Base % Bonus Start Current Total %
Cryptography 15+5 10 1 10 70%
Language: Gobblely 30+5 10 1 10 85%
Surveillance 25+5 10 1 10 80%
Field Armorer 30+5 10 1 10 85%
Camouflage 20+5 10 1 10 75%
Disguise 25+5 10 1 10 80%
Escape Artist 25+5 10 1 10 80%
Imitate Voice/Impersonation 36/16/12/10+4 10 1 10 84/64/60/56%
Pick Locks 30+5 10 1 10 85%
Pick Pockets 25+5 10 1 10 80%
Intelligence 30+4 12 1 10 80%
Interrogation 20+5 10 3 10 65%
Recog Weapon Quality 25+5 10 6 10 55%
Secondary Skills Base % Start Current Total %
Boxing 1 10
Climb 40/35+5 1 10 85/80%
Swim 40+5 1 10 85%
Running 1 10
Wrestling 5 10

Name Count Location Description
Winter Clothes 1 Large Sack
Summer Clothes 1 Worn
Cape 1 Large Sack
Leather Gloves Pair Worn
Belt 1 Worn
Bedroll 1 Worn
Backpack 1 Worn
Large Sacks 2 Worn
Small Sacks 2 Worn
Water Skin 1 Worn
Fishing Line/Hooks 2 Small Sack (1)
Snares 3 Small Sack (2)
Metal Jaw Traps 2 Large Sack (1) Medium
Chain 1 Large Sack (1) 6’
Rope 1 Large Sack (1) 30’
Wood Spikes 3 Small Sack (2)
Mallet 1 Small Sack (2)
Mirror 1 Small Sack (1)
Frying Pan 1 Large Sack (1)
Tinder Box 1 Large Sack (1)