Lady Daera Kaze


Lady Daera Kaze is the youngest sister of the Overlord of the northern Middle Kingdoms.

Bishop Rose Nodeki and Malkin Falimede both mention her by name- see the logs Minotaurs: Honorable and Immoral and Who Takes Bishop?

Picture by our own player AZ_RUNE.

Name: Lady Daera Kaze
Rank 15th Level
OCC: Dark Priest of Bes
Race: Human
Land of Origin: Western Empire
Citizenship: Western Empire

HT 5’6" IQ 30 +16% Save vs Magic 0 Strike +2
WT 135 lbs ME 14 Save vs Psionics 0 Parry +3
PPE 107 MA 18 Save vs coma 0 Dodge +3
Reserve PPE 1000 PS 13 Save vs poison/disease 0 Roll +2
HP 56 PP 14 Save vs horror +2 Pull +4
SDC 18 PE 11 Save vs possession +4 Initiative +1
PB 23 Damage +2
Sex F SPD 14 Charm/Impress 65% Disarm +1
Age 19 Trust/Intimidate 50%
HTH: Basic Critical 19,20 Attacks 7
Alignment Aberrant Knockout Behind Perception +1

Western Empire 6000<> Island of Bizantium <> Eastern Territory
Timiro Kingdom <> Wolfen Empire <> Dragon Coins

Weapon Proficiencies Level Acquired Strike Parry Thrown
Knife 1 +5 +5 +6
Siege Weapons 10 +2
Paired:Knives 13
Weapons: Damage Range Notes
Aldenjinn 4D6 40’ See item
Mretmet 4D6+6/8D6+12 40’
Teleport Medallion Teleports to White Ash Hideout 1x per day
Fleet Feet Ring Attacks doubled -2 Init Strike, Parry, Dodge +4 Spd 32 3x/day 12 melee/use
Flail Ring AR 14
Familiar: Notes
Myxelplyx See Link
Power Description
Healing Touch 4D6 SDC or HP 1/every other melee Can’t use on self
Exorcism 7%/lev Takes 1D6 hours of prep
Remove Curse 7%/lev Takes 1D4x10 minutes
Resurrection 10 + 3%/lev past 5 Once on the same character only
Turn Dead 20 + 5%/lev Takes 2 melees to enact
Animate/Control Dead 9%/lev 10 PPE No other activities 1D4/lev
Special Powers:PRAYERS

Prayers take 1D4 attacks while in attacks, and 2D4 melees while at peace. 1 person or item/prayer. Each prayer can only be done twice/day.

Prayer Duration Success Ratio Description
Strength of the Damned 3 min/lev 16+ 8%/level Endows priest with +6 save HF, +2 all other saves, +10% turn dead, +1 spell strength, +1 parry & dodge, +4 damage, +8% summon Minions of Dark. Done 2/24 hrs
Communion Instant 21+ 7%/level Vision or dream, 60% chance divination 2/24 hrs
Summon Minions of Darkness 5 min/lev 10+ 8%/level One lesser Deevil, Demon or Gargoyle/level 2/24 hrs
Contagious Scripture 20+ 5%/level Phrase passed on by worshipers for next few weeks in conversation
Dream 30+ 5%/level Vision from a god gives clues, ideas or hints to solve current problem
Sanctified Vestaments 15+ 5%/level Awe factor of 13for those not of that faith, followers automatic awe
Special Powers:CURSES 14 save, or 16 if ritual

Can be cast upon person, place, or object. Curses on person last 1D6 months.

Curse 24 hrs object/place if abandoned 10+ 6%/level Save 16 30’ range visible up to #people or objects/level 2/24 hours- Curse descriptions below
Pox W/in 1D20 hours break out in open running sores, face and body. PB/SDC reduced by 50%, PE -3
Fever Instant -1 all combat, spd -25%, skills -10%
Luck Instant All combat bonuses are 0! Crit only on 20 Prowl auto fails, all other skills -40%
Minor See Main book, p205 All are instant
Cold See main book, p263 Instant
Insect Attraction W/in 1D4 melees insects all come to character. Flies, mosuitoes, lice, bees, etc. PB & MA -50% HF 12
Stink Instant All w/in 5’ choke/gag (lose attack). Prowl, invisibility impossible, and +20% track by smell
Spoilage All food carried by character w/in 1d20 hours spoils

Note on Scroll Creation: Success is success. Failure means roll on scroll conversion failure chart. See Scroll Conversion.

Special Powers:MIRACLES

Miracles, including great miracles, typically happen only once every 7 years for a priest. If the priest is involved in a quest the deity deems important, they may occur as often as once/year.

Miracle PPE Cost Duration Range Description
Holy War 50 1 Hour/lev All Church Warriors Init + 1, All saves + 1, Roll + 3, Save HF +3,Mind Control Possession Drugs + 7
Supernatural PS/PE 60 1 Minute/lev Self HP & SDC tripled, PS + 2D4, PE & PS supernatural, Init, Strike, Parry, Dodge, and all Saves + 1

The most flexible ability. All PPE is provided by the Deity!

Miracle Duration Range Description
Increased Power 1 Minute/lev Self All known spells or prayers double duration & strength
Control Nature Varies Varies See notes
Healing 1 Melee Glance Heal crippled, blind, mute, deaf, etc. Dispel curses, sickness, poison, full HP/SDC
Control Magic 1 Melee/lev 60’ Dispel any magic barrier, curse, spell except spells of legend & rune magic See notes
Magic: Spell Strength: 14
Power Spell Level PPE Cost Range Duration Save Description
Sense Magic 1 4 120’ 2 min/lev None Diameter, near (w/in 20’) or far. Tell Person/object enchanted, in process of invoking magic, or magic used in area.
Cloak of Darkness 2 6 5’r 4 min/lev None Field of darkness, cannot be dispelled by ordinary light -3 strike for those outside
Armor of Ithan 3 10 Self or touch 1 min/lev None 100+10/lev AR 18 Fire, lightning, cold 1/2 dam
Carpet of Adhesion 3 10 30+10’/lev 10 melee/lev Special 200 sq ft If save 2D6 melees
Reserve PPE 5 10 Self Special None Externally, dimensional pocket PPE. Cannot be sensed
Targeted Deflection 6 15 100+25’/lev 1 melee/lev Dodge Energy only. +3 parry- if higher than strike parries attack back to attacker, if above 4-under strike deflects away, if 4 or under attack hits
Gem Powers 7 Varies Varies Varies Varies See Specific Gems in Inventory
Love Charm 8 40 Touch 5 min/lev Std Victim falls madly/devotedly in Love. Stay at side and act in love. See p 204 main for side effects
Havoc 9 50 100’ 2 melee/lev Std 20’ diameter 1D6 HP/melee -3init, strike, parry, -6 dodge, roll Skills at 1/2, loses sense time/direction
Curse:PPE Bleed 9 60 20’ Special Std Rifter 17 Victim loses 1D4 PPE/lev for 15 melees
Mind Shatter 11 130 Touch Special Special BOM p 142 -2 save initial, Std save after 24 hrs. Failed Magically Lobotomized.
Soul Twist 12 170 100’ Special -6 Save BOM p 145 Fail save means 6D6 HP dam, Plus open to fact Dark has reason- be more open to turn
Sever the Flow 14 250 10’ 1 hour/lev Std Failed save means target cannot access any PPE for duration of spell
OCC Skills Base % Bonus Start Current Total %
Language:Western 98 1 15 98%
Language:Elven 40+5 20 1 15 98%
Language:Wolfen 40+5 20 1 15 98%
Literacy:Elven 30+5 20 1 15 98 %
Math:Basic 45+5 20 1 15 98%
Lore Demon/Monster 25+5 15 1 15 98%
Lore Religion 30+5 20 1 15 98%
Land Navigation 30+4 10 1 15 98%
Streetwise 20+4 10 1 15 98%
Wilderness Survival 30+5 10 1 15 98%
WP: Knife 1 15
Hand to Hand: Assassin
OCC Related Skills Base % Bonus Start Current Total %
Surveillance 25+5 5 1 15 98%
Locate Secret Comp/Doors 15+5 1 15 98%
History 30+5 1 15 98%
Literacy:Western 30+5 1 15 98%
Literacy:Wolfen 30+5 1 15 98%
Escape Artist 25+5 5 4 15 98%
Cartography 25+5 10 8 15 86%
Archaeology 20+5 5 12 15 56%
Secondary Skills Base % Start Current Total %
Detect Ambush 30+5 1 15 98%
Disguise 25+5 1 15 98%
Forgery 20+5 1 15 98%
Intelligence 30+4 1 15 98%
Public Speaking 30+5 1 15 98%
Lore Magic 25+5 2 15 98%
Horsemanship:General 35/20+5 5 15 98/86%
Interrogation 20+5 7 15 76%
WP Seige Weapon 10 15
Paired:Knives 13 15

Name Count Location Description
Sets of clothing 3 Worn/Backpack
Cloak 1 Worn
Boots 1 pair Worn
Gloves 1 pair Worn
Belt 1 Worn
Dagger Sash 1 Worn
Water skin 1 Worn
Backpack 1 Worn
Mallet and Stakes 6 Backpack
Notebook 1 Backpack
Crow Quill Pen 1 Backpack
Small Sacks 4 Worn
Tinder box 1 Small Sack
Ink 1 Small Sack
Magic Gems 1 ea In Dagger Sash
Gem Effect PPE Required Description
Sulfur crystal Cloud of Smoke 5 90’ 4 melee/lev 30×30×30′ cloud 90’ away Wee only 3’ -5 strike -9 parry/dodge
Sapphire Shadow Meld 10 2 min/lev +15% prowl Attackers -5 strike
Quartz Globe of Daylight 10 30’ 3 min/lev Illuminates 12’/lev Max speed 12
Star Sapphire Bio-manipulation 20 Main p172
Zircon or Mask of Deceit 10 10 min/lev Illusionary mask Main p186
Zircon Fools Gold 10 5 min/lev Any object appears gold
Diamond or Fly as the eagle 20 20 min/lev Fly 50 mph + 1 parry, 2 dodge. + 2 damage on dive attack
Diamond or PPE Battery 20 Hold 50 PPE
Diamond or Invulnerability 20 2 melee/lev +4 save HF, magic, psionics Armor aura 25 sdc/lev