PLAYS Silent Dream
Background/ Profile
I was introduced to role playing games when I was 15 years old in high school, and I’ve been playing on and off when I can ever since. When my gaming days were light and sparse I delved into MMORPGs, notably FFXI, City of Heroes, and Star Wars Galaxies. MMORPGs are their own job, however, so once I was able to do rpg’s more consistently I had to back off them heavily and I nver really went back. My favorite rpg genre game/run is Super Heroic, followed by Science Fiction, then Fantasy. I’ve dabbled with Horror and enjoy putting the lighter elements of the genre into the games I run or play.
Despite all its flaws I’m a big fan of the Palladium system and all its games. I also enjoy Call of Cthulhu (Chaosism fifth edition), Dresden Files (FATE 3.0), Mutants and Masterminds second edition, Vampire the Masquerade (White Wolf third edition), Shadowrun fourth edition, and Dungeons & Dragons second and third editions. I own the books for and have dabbled with Little Fears, BESM first and second editions, Serenity, Polaris and some others but those books (unfortunately) hardly get off the shelf these days.
I can be found on Twitter as @Glistam.
Games Currently or Recently Involved in:
- G.M. of the bi-weekly Heroes Unlimited campaign: Heroes of the Century (Station).
- Player in an on-hiatus Palladium Fantasy campaign: A God Rebuilt.
- G.M. of an on-hiatus Heroes Unlimited campaign with my son and his friends: Name Pending.
CoG.M. of a monthly Fate 3.0 Dresden Files campaign: Secrets of the Elm City.- G.M. of an on-hiatus Heroes Unlimited/ Nightbane campaign: Tomorrow Legion.
- Player in an on-hiatus Rifts/ Megaversal campaign Ladies in Hades and the Dyval Wears Prada.
- Player in a completed Call of Cthulhu campaign: Masques of Nyarlothotep.
- G.M. of the occasional one-shot for promotional, convention, or personal games. Typically Rifts, Chaos Earth, Heroes Unlimited, or Nightbane.
Campaign Logs or Stories for A God Rebuilt which I have written: