

High Prince Tribunia X Ulrich is the firstborn of Bodolf, and first in line to replace him as Chieftain of the Iron Claw Tribe. He is the Commanding General of the “Chieftains Legion” The largest and most elite legion of the Iron Claw Tribal Army. He had a special unit under his command that was led by Jidian Kulder when Raulf was summoned.

He is Raulf’s eldest brother. Before Raulf’s public shunning, the three of them were thick as thieves. They all trained together at primary military school. (Note: ALL members of the Wolfen military must have primary training regardless of wealth or station. Most of the men that royalty are placed over tend to respect them more. This lesson was learned early on in Wolfen history. It also helps the Royals to survive longer when they serve.) Since then both brothers have maintained ties with Jidian. Raulf gets alot of the family gossip in this manner and Ulrich does get to unofficially hear about the exploits of his youngest brother.