To My Dear Friend
Zavik the Troll,
My dear friend, please tell your lord, the personal Alchemist of CrIsis, Master Gabriel, that we are indeed grateful for his skill. We are trying to place one of the final pieces of Osiris and then make our way to you both en-route to Çynopolis. Now, I am horribly sorry and I owe you an apology for not responding sooner to your missive.
Sadly, I cannot yet give you a more accurate time line as to when we will be back to the Empire of the West. I would hazard a guess that about three months is an estimate going forward. The Human in the group has changed to a Gnome and if he would like to either change it for a Gnome or sell that one and make a new one either would be excellent.
I am excited to discuss art and philosophy with you once more, I was nearly taken down by the elite assassins of Panath. They exploited the refugees in and around Me’zfii Onh to get at us after lighting their camp on fire. They failed only because they could not stop our retreat to the Shield of Light. We couldn’t risk the piece of Osiris to the dark hunters of that pantheon.
I believe I am alive because of your prayers so thank you my dear friend.
Be well my great friend!
High Thane of the Dwarves
Sent upon the 4th of Od; in the 1st year of Koris Gwaisol – Kingdom of Ælfrik.
Picture from Hoover Library
Pictures from our own AZ Rune
I thought I had replied before but at least I got a second chance.
This was quite a polite and succinct response! I’m not surprised by that, I’m just easily impressed.
It is my hope that what the followers of Panath were looking for can be found in this missive as they were described as elites hunting demi-gods.
Demi-God hunting…wonder if that is anything like Snipe hunting…
I hope not or it will destroy the intent of acknowledging their skill.
I am sure Gabriel is just happy for another acknowledgement.