

The White Feathered Serpent


Yavi Is Azariel’s Kukulcan Advisor, posing as a simple teamster. He is very hands-off, and prides himself on being the antithesis of the NightStalker Dragons. He advises, schemes, plots, teaches, leads, and positions forces of good in opportunities to do good. If an innocent under the age of accountability is in mortal peril, and there is no other good being around, he will step in. The same goes for an innocent over the age of utility and mobility. But, if at all possible, he will remain without malice or violence, as a bystander, dressed in a simple robe, sandals, scraggly brown beard and deep, penetrating blue eyes. He will even let himself be beaten nigh unto death, if it serves a righteous purpose.

Picture from GENZOMAN!!!!

*Name Yehavi Maya, or “Yavi”
True Name: Heisues Crystoh
Ranks 14th Level Dragon, 7th Level Summoner, 6th Level Air Warlock
Race Kukulcan
Land of Origin: Lopania
Citizenship: Lopan

HT 11/15 IQ 26 Save vs Magic +5 Strike +4
WT 299 lbs ME 22 Save vs Psionics +8 Parry +4
PPE 517 MA 22 Save vs coma +9% Dodge +5
HP 2017/2017 PS 18 Save vs poison/disease +5 Roll +4
SDC 1000/1000 PP 14 Save vs horror +5 Pull +4
A.R. 12 PE 17 Save vs Possession +7 Initiative 4
Level 14 PB 22 Save vs Mind Control +7 Damage +3
Sex Male SPD 14/110 Save vs Insanity +9 Perception +6
ISP 142/142 Horror/Awe 13
Birthday A Long Time Ago Trust/Intimidate 70% Critical 19,20
HTH: Charm/Impress 60% Attacks 7
Alignment Principled Tail Damage

OCC Skills Base % Bonus Start Current Total %
Language&Lit:Dragonese 98 1 14 98%
Language&Lit:Wolfen 98 1 14 98%
Language&Lit:Dwarven 98 1 14 98%
Language&Lit:Western 98 1 14 98%
Language&Lit:Giantese 98 1 14 98%
Language:Gobbley 98 1 14 98%
Language:Southern 98 1 14 98%
Language:Demonic 98 1 14 98%
Language:Faerie 98 1 14 98%
Language:Northern 98 1 14 98%
Language:Eastern 98 1 14 98%
Lore:Demons & Monsters 25+5 42 1 14 98%
Lore:Faerie 25+5 42 1 00 98%
Mathematics:Basic 45+5 20 1 14 98%
Mathematics: Advanced 45+5 20 1 14 98%
Gemology 25+5 27 1 14 98%
Lore:Religion(Professional) 30+5 15 1 14 98%
Locate Secret Compartments/Doors 45+5 27 1 14 98%
Streetwise 30+5 24 1 14 98%
Teamster 25+5 12 1 14 98%
History:Elves, Dwarves, Humans
Wolfen, Orcs, Minotaurs 35+5 27 1 14 98%
Horsemanship: Exotic
Horsemanship: General
Animal Husbandry
Public Speaking
Interrogation Techniques
Preserve Food
Land Navigation
7 More!
Natural Abilities
Nightvision 100’;
Keen, Hawk-like Color Vision;
See Invisible;
Turn Invisible;
Bio Regen (1d4x10 SDC/HP per Minute);
Fire and Cold 1/2 damage;
Metamorphosis at will (6h /lvl);
Teleport Self 88%;
Dimensional Teleport 20% +6%;
See and use ley lines
Sense Dimensional Rifts The automatic ability to sense the opening, closing and location of a dimensional Rift on a ley line or place of mystic power for a radius of 20 miles (32 km). However, the creature does not know where the dimension portal leads, who opened it, whether anything emerged or entered it, nor the exact location where it was opened (only a general idea within 1D6 miles).
Open Dimensional Rifts Automatic ability to sense the opening and closing of dimensional portals, envelopes, mystic portals, dimensional teleportation, and time holes within half a mile (0.8 km) diameter. Does not know where the dimension portal leads, who opened it, nor the exact location where it was opened, only that it was some place within the half mile (0.8 km) sensing range.
Poisonous Breath (Special): Range: 100 feet, six feet wide; 14 or higher vs magic is needed to save. The Kukulcan can breathe out a blast of poisonous vapors that inflicts 3D6 S.D.C and can be used as often as four times per melee round. The width of the blast enables the dragon to strike several opponents (2-6) simultaneously if they are huddled closely together.
Spells Description
Ley Line Phasing. See Notes
Time Capsule See Notes
Time Hole Pocket Dimension See Notes
Dimensional Envelope See Notes
Breathe Without Air (3)
Thunder Clap (2)
Cloud of Slumber (4)
Cloud of Steam (4)
Create Light (2)
Create Mild Wind (4)
Stop Wind (5)
Change Wind Direction (6)
Create Air (6)
Heavy Breathing (5)
Howling Wind (7)
Levitate (7)
Mesmerism (7)
Miasma (7)
Northwind (7)
Silence (10)
Air Bubble (10)
Call Lightning (10)
Float in Air (6)
Darkness (10)
Fingers of the Wind (8)
Northern Lights (12)
Resist Cold (8)
Walk the Wind (10)
Wind Rush (10)
Ball Lightning (15)
Calm Storms (20)
Dissipate Gases (15)
Freeze Water (10)
Invisibility (20)
Leaf Rustler (15)
Phantom Footman (20)
Protection from Lightning (20)
Breath of Life (50)
Circle of Rain (25)
Darken the Sky (20)
Detect the Invisible (10)
Invisible Wall (30)
Phantom (30)
Whirlwind (30)
Electrical Field (35)
Electro-Magnetism (40)
Mist of Death (40)
Snow Storm (50)
Vacuum (40)
Whisper of the Wind (30)
Summoning Description
Summoning All
Protection All
Power Circle 1
Psionics Description
Attack Disease (12)
Bio-Regeneration (self) (6)
Deaden Pain (4)
Detect Psionics (6)
Exorcism (10)
Healing Touch (6)
Increased Healing (10)
Induce Sleep (4)
Lust for Life (15)
Psychic Diagnosis (4)
Psychic Purification (8)
Psychic Surgery (14)
Resist Fatigue (4)
Suppress Fear (8)
Transfer I.S.P. (4+)
Astral Projection (8)
Clairvoyance (4)
Commune with Animals (6)
Commune with Spirit (8)
Dispel Spirits (10)
Empathy (4)
Meditation (0)
Mind Block (4)
Object Read (6)
Presence Sense (4)
See Aura (6)
See the Invisible (4)
Sense Dimensional Anomaly (6)
Sense Evil (2)
Sense Magic (3)
Sixth Sense (2)
Speed Reading (2)
Telepathy (4)
Total Recall (2)
Alter Aura (2)
Death Trance (1)
Telekinesis (varies)
Ectoplasm (varies)
Group Mind Block