


Alouette is the champion chosen by Isis for Troker and prepared by her long before the Agreement would have prevented her from doing so. Very little at present is known about Alouette save for the fact that she died, or at least almost died, before she entered the direct service of her godess, Isis.

Alouette is the word for Lark in the language of the Land of the Southwinds.

Name: Alouette
Rank 15th Level
OCC: Longbowman
Race: Human
Land of Origin: Land of the South Winds
Citizenship: None

HT 5’5″ IQ 10 Save vs Magic +7 Strike +5
WT 130 ME 13 Save vs Psionics +3 Parry +6
PPE 7 MA 14 Save vs coma +26% Dodge +6
ISP 64 PS 14 Save vs poison/disease +7 Roll +8
HP 54 PP 20 Save vs horror +4 Pull +4
SDC 36 PE 28 Initiative +3
Exp PB 12 Damage +4
Sex F SPD 22
Birthday 1/22/83 (years old) Critical (Auto Behind) 19,20
HTH: Basic Attacks 7
Alignment Scrupulous Perception +3

Western Empire <> Island of Bizantium <> Eastern Territory
Timiro Kingdom <> Wolfen Empire <> Dragon Coins 

Weapon Proficiencies Level Acquired Strike Parry Thrown/Rate Range Notes
Long Bow 1 +10 +7 11 attacks 1050’
Archery 1 +10 +7 8 +280’
Targeting 1 +6
Knife 1 +5 +5 +6
Weapons: Damage Notes
The Huntress by arrow see item page
Armor AR/ SDC Notes
Special Attacks/Defense: Damage Notes
Snap 1D6
Body Throw 1D6
Aimed Shot (Long Bow only) Called Shot 2 attacks
Dodge/Parry Arrows -3 Normal -10
Power Type ISP Range Duration Save Description
Commune with Animals Sensitive 6 200’ LoS 2min/lv 15 or better 1-80% obey simple commands. 1 per level
Sixth Sense Sensitive 2 90’ Until danger passes None Imminent Danger, +6 Init, +2 Parry, +3 Dodge, No sneak attacks.
OCC Skills Base % Bonus Start Current Total %
Language:Southern 98 98%
Language:Western 40+5 10 1 15 98%
Language:Elven 40+5 10 1 15 98%
Wilderness Survival 30+5 10 1 15 98%
WP Longbow 1 15
WP Archery 1 15
WP Targeting 1 15
WP Knife 1 15
Athletics 1 15
HTH Basic 1 15
OCC Related Skills Base % Bonus Start Current Total %
Track/Trap Animals 20/30+5 5 1 15 95/98%
Skin/Prep Hides 30+5 5 1 15 98%
Sewing 25+5 10 1 15 98%
Horse:Exotic 30/20+5 5 1 15 98/95%
Fashion Tools 25+5 5 1 15 98%
Land Navigation 30+4 5 1 15 91%
Prowl 25+5 10 1 15 98%
Lore:Religion- Church of Light & Dark, Isis
Anubis, Utu, Pantheons of Ra, Taut 30+5 10 1 15 98%
Camouflage 20+5 5 3 15 85%
Literacy:Elven 30+5 10 3 15 98%
Use/Recog Poison 24/16+4 5 7 15 61/53%
Escape Artist 25+5 5 7 15 70%
Language: Eastern 40+5 10 10 15 75%
Literacy: Eastern 30+5 10 10 15 65%
Heraldry 15/20+5 5 13 15 30/35%
Military Etiquette 35+5 5 13 15 50%
Secondary Skills Base % Start Current Total %
Sign Language 25+5 1 15 95%
Acrobatics 1 15
Gymnastics 1 15
Balance 40+5 1 15 98%
Climb 40+5 1 15 98/98%
Tightrope 30+3 1 15 72%
Back Flip 40+5 1 15 98%
Parallel Bars 30+3 1 15 72%
Running 1 15
First Aid 30+5 4 15 85%
Sailing 35/20+5 7 15 75/60%
Basic Math 45+5 10 15 70%
Forced March 13 15

BIOGRAPHY:Alouette is the champion chosen by Isis for Troker and prepared by her long before the Agreement would have prevented her from doing so. Very little at present is known about Alouette save for the fact that she died, or at least almost died, before she entered the direct service of her godess, Isis.Alouette is the word for Lark in the language of the Land of the Southwinds.